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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Perbandingan Pengujian Kualitas Audio

1.    Tujuan
  1. Mahasiswa dapat mengganti nilai Sample dan Bit Depth sebuah file audio
  2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan perbandingan kualitas audio berdasarkan nilai Bit Depth, Sample Rate
2.    Teori singkat
a.      Audio merupakan frekuensi yang dapat di denmgar oleh telinga manusia 20hz-20khz.
b.      Kualitas audio ditentukan oleh banyak sample rate dan bit depth yang di ambil pada sebuah audio.
c.       Bit Depth adalah hal yang menetukan level suara atau nilai resolusi suara   atau jumlah tingkatan level suara. Audio 8 bit maka 28 =256 level suara.
Semakin tinggi nilai bit depth maka  kualitas suara semakin baik, sebaliknya semakin        rendah nilai bit depth maka kualitas suara menjadi kurang baik.
d.      Sample Rate adalah menunjukan jumlah sinyal yang di ambil dalam 2 detik ketika b melalukan rekaman suara. Makin tinggi atau makin sering diambil per satuan waktunya maka suaranya akan mendekati suara asli karena kualitas suara yang baik itu adalah kualitas suara yang mirip dg suara aslinya.

e.    Alat dan Bahan
a.      Komputer PC
b.      Software Adobe Audition
c.       File musik  dalam format wav 
f.     Langkah Kerja
a.      Buka Adobe Audition
b.      Import File Audio dengan cara pada window File klik ikon Import File – Pilih file yang diinginkan – klik ganda file tersebut atau klik tombol Open.
c.       Sekarang file yang akan diedit sudah berada pada window File.
d.      Klik ganda ikon file yang akan di edit atau drag and drop ke window editor (Main)
e.      Untuk melihat informasi tentang file ini letakkan pointer pada window editor, klik kanan dan pilih File Info.
f.        Untuk mengganti Bit Depth  dan Sample Rate ,
·         Buka sesion baru: File – New
·         Pada Jendala New Waveform Pilih Sample Rate dan Bit Rate sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan (tabel 1)
·         Dan selesai

g.    Hasil Pengujian

Tabel 1. Perbandingan Ukuran dan Kualitas audio pada sample rate tetap 44100 hz dengan Bit Depth bervariasi  
Sample Rate (Hz)
Bit Dept
Ukuran File (KB)
Kualitas suara
44 100
94.81 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio
44 100
47.40 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio
44 100
23.70 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio

  1. Membandingkan berdasarkan Sample Rate
Bit Dept
Sample Rate (Hz)
Ukuran File (KB)
Kualitas Suara
5,92 MB
Setara dg kualitas radio am
11,8 MB
Setara dengan radio fm
17,2 MB
Lebih baik dari fm
23,7 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio
25,8 MB
Setara kualitas standar dvd
51,6 MB
Setara high end dvd

Bit Dept
Sample Rate (Hz)
Ukuran File (KB)
Kualitas Suara
11,8 MB
Setara dg kualitas radio am
23,7 MB
Setara dengan radio fm
34,4 MB
Lebih baik dari fm
47,4 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio
51,6 MB
Setara kualitas standar dvd
103 MB
Setara high end dvd

Bit Dept
Sample Rate (Hz)
Ukuran File (KB)
Kualitas Suara
23,7 MB
Setara dg kualitas radio am
47,4 MB
Setara dengan radio fm
68,8 MB
Lebih baik dari fm
94,8 MB
Setara kualitas cd audio
103 MB
Setara kualitas standar dvd
206 MB
Setara high end dvd

h.   Pembahasan
Adobe audition digunakan untuk mengedit atau mengubah suara atau lagu yang kita iginkan baik dari bithnya atau pun ukurannya . Semakin tinggi ukuran bith maka baik kualitas suara dan sebaliknya semakin rendah ukuran bithnya maka semakin buruk kualitas suatu suara atau lagu
i.      Kesimpulan
Jadi semkin baik kualitas suatu suara ditentukan oleh bith nya dan ukurannya hz dan juga pemutar suaranya apakah streo atau mono, tapi lebih baik stereo di bandingkan mono sebab stero mempunyai suara yang lebih jelas dan bagus.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Tentang Saya

Adjie Aminullah Kayef lahir di Jakarta,menyelesaikan pendidikan SD  di Jakarta tahun 2004 (SDN 07 MAJA PG). Kemudian melanjutkan ke SMPN 1 LUBUKSIKAPING dan selesai tahun 2007. Dan melanjutkan ke SMAN 1 LUBUKSIKAPING dan selesai tahun 2010.

Pada tahun 2010 mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melanjutkan study di Politeknik Universitas Andalas melalui  jalur seleksi nilai UN(Ujian Nasional) pada jurusan Teknologi Informasi dan Prodi Manajemen Informatika.

About Adobe Audition

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Adobe Audition
Adobe Audition Icon
Adobe Audition Screenshot
Adobe Audition CS5.5, running on Windows XP.
Developer(s) Adobe Systems
Initial release 18 August 2003
Stable release CS5.5 (4.0) / 11 April 2011; 6 months ago (2011-04-11)
Preview release Unknown
Operating system Windows XP SP3 and newer, Windows Vista, Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and newer.
Type Digital audio workstation
License Proprietary
Website Adobe Audition Homepage
Adobe Audition (formerly Cool Edit Pro) is a digital audio workstation from Adobe Systems featuring both a multitrack, non-destructive mix/edit environment and a destructive-approach waveform editing view.



[edit] Origins

Syntrillium Software was founded in the early 1990s by Robert Ellison and David Johnston, both former Microsoft employees. Originally developed by Syntrillium as Cool Edit, the program was distributed as crippleware. The full version was useful and flexible, particularly for its time. Syntrillium later released Cool Edit Pro, which added the capability to work with multiple tracks, as well as other features. Audio processing, however, was done in a destructive manner (at the time, most computers were not powerful enough in terms of processor performance and memory capacity to perform non-destructive operations in real time). Cool Edit Pro v2 added support for real-time non-destructive processing, and v2.1 added support for surround sound mixing and unlimited simultaneous tracks (up to the limit imposed by the actual computer hardware). Cool Edit also included plugins such as noise reduction and FFT equalization.
Adobe purchased the latest, non-shareware version (Cool Edit Pro v2.1) from Syntrillium Software in May 2003 for $16.5 million[1] as well as a large loop library called "Loopology". Adobe then changed the name of Cool Edit Pro to "Adobe Audition".

[edit] Versions

[edit] Version 1

Adobe Audition was released on 18 August 2003. It had no new features, and was essentially Cool Edit Pro under a different name. Adobe then released Audition v1.5 in May 2004; major improvements over v1 included pitch correction, frequency space editing, a CD project view, basic video editing and integration with Adobe Premiere, as well as several other enhancements.

[edit] Version 2

Adobe Audition 2 was released on 17 January 2006. With this release, Audition (which the music recording industry had once seen as a value-oriented home studio application, although it has long been used for editing by radio stations) entered the professional Digital Audio Workstation market. The current version included two sections. Multitrack View supported up to 128 digital audio mono or stereo tracks at up to 32-bit resolution. In the Track Controls section one could select the input and output for each track (the program supported multiple multi-channel sound cards), select Record, Solo and Mute, and access the effects rack. New features included ASIO (Audio stream input output) support, VST (Virtual Studio Technology) support, new mastering tools (many provided by iZotope), and a redesigned UI. Adobe also included Audition 2.0 as part of its Adobe Production Studio bundle.

[edit] Version 3

Adobe Audition 3 was released on 8 November 2007. New features included VSTi (virtual instrument) support, enhanced spectral editing, a redesigned multi-track interface, new effects, and a collection of royalty-free loops.

[edit] Version 4

Audition 4, also known as Audition CS5.5, was released on April 11 2011 as part of Adobe's Creative Suite of programs. Audition 4 was shipped as part of the Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection and Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium, replacing the discontinued Adobe Soundbooth. Audition 4 was also made available as a standalone product. Enhanced integration with Adobe Premiere Pro allowed editing of multitrack Premiere projects, and users of third-party software were served by the introduction of OMF and XML based import/export functions. Other new features included improved 5.1 multichannel support, new effects (DeHummer, DeEsser, Speech Volume Leveler, and Surround Reverb), a History panel, faster and fully supported realtime FFT analysis and a new audio engine (more reliable and fastest) for non-ASIO device.
According to Adobe[2], Audition CS5.5 was rewritten from ground-up to take advantage of parallel/batch processing for performance and make it a platform-agnostic product. Audition CS5.5 now works on Windows and Mac platforms. Over 15 years of C++ code was analyzed, and many, but not all features of the previous Audition 3 were ported and/or enhanced. Among the missing features are tone/noise generation; Midi Editing & Vsti Support; Metronome and Loop Editing; pitch correction; original FFT filters, scientific filters; graphic phase shifter; revert to original file, MIDI-based hardware control, playback, and virtual instrument sequencing; and legacy session support. Unlike all the previous versions, this is the first version to be available as the Mac version as well as the Windows version.